Denise Goldberg's blog

Fells, lakes, wonder
A visit to England's Lake District

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Next time... group or solo?

Will I start going taking more 'group' trips like this one? It's not likely, for much the same reason that I stopped doing supported bike tours. I have a strong preference for choosing my own destinations, for deciding how long I want to stay at each location, for selecting where & when I'd like to eat, for having time to just sit and do nothing if (or perhaps I should say when) the mood strikes.

Don't get me wrong, I have no regrets about attending this seminar. I spent three days with other photographers who were eager to capture views of the land around us, and I believe that I enhanced my skills with my camera both by just doing and by absorbing information from our leaders and from some of the people in the group.

I really enjoyed the time that I spent with Caroline. We hiked together, and we spent time on our own too. I could easily see myself on a trip with one other person where we are both independent spirits with no requirement that we spend all of our time together.

What's next?

Maybe, just maybe, a trip out west somewhere, probably sometime in November or early December. I still have some vacation time left, and the relative warmth of the southwest at that time of year is appealing. Death Vally may be beckoning again, or I may surprise myself and wander to an entirely new location.